Monday, April 26, 2010

Arizona tears open immigration debate

By Andy Barr

As soon as Arizona enacted the toughest anti-immigration law in the country last week, advocates on both sides voiced hope that the new law would move the topic to the center of national debate.

They got their wish.

The national reaction to the bill was instantaneous and loud and has continued this week, taking top billing on cable talk shows, local news programs and everything between.

To supporters, it’s about time someone took an actual step to curb the flow of illegal immigrants that tax southwestern economies and state services, as well as the horrifying drug trafficking and violence that has cost the lives of thousands of Mexicans and Americans along the border.

For opponents of the bill, it is a draconian and racist measure that will lead to roundups and profiling of Latinos.

As protesters swarmed the Arizona state capital over the weekend, national figures plotted their strategy to deal with the law that may already be providing inspiration for other communities.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano –who herself punted on immigration as governor of Arizona – called the new law “misguided” during an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“That one is a misguided law,” she said. “It's not a good law enforcement law. It's not a good law in any number of reasons. But beyond that, what it illustrates is that other states now will feel compelled to do things. And you will have this patchwork of laws where we need a federal immigration system that meets our security needs, that recognizes where we need to go in this 21st century and gives us a better framework on which to stand.”